August 26, 2010

University of Ghana - Legon

The University of Ghana is the most prestigous university in West Africa. 
It is one of the seven Ghanaian public universities.  It has about 40,000 students and the departments range from archeology to zoology. 

I live off campus, yet in my free mornings or afternoons
I venture out to explore campus...
 I really enjoy seeing everyone chatting on their way to class, eating at one of the several canteens (i have yet to discover them all! -my favorite so far is Taco bell [and no, they don't serve quesadillas there ;) ], playing football, doing their laundry, etc. 

PS i love it here!
PPS - i had my first intense bug encounter -- cockroach in shower... eek!

August 19, 2010



I am engulfed in a sea of LANGUAGE- some i know and some i don't...
so for now...

Some say a picture says a thousand words... here're a few thousand...

OK-just kidding... i will comment a little on the last picture...

The silver structure you see is the Kwame Nkrumah mausoleum. 

It is not the most aesthetically beautiful... (like much of Accra)...
but the symbolism touched my heart... (like much of Accra)...
Kwame Nkrumah greatly helped Ghana establish independence and
was a huge advocate for Pan-Africanism.

The structure symbolizes the trunk of a tree - though it was stunted in growth

August 11, 2010


I'm off to Accra, Ghana tomorrow - bright and early.

I will be traveling for 30 hours and walk off the plane into a new reality.

I leave behind... my loving parents, wise friends and acquaintances - and some not so wise friends and acquaintances ; ) and corporate America.

I leave behind the comforts of...  blending into the crowd, processed foods, a gigantic wardrobe, accessories, a lap top, solitude, punctuality, readily available healthcare, the familiar.

I will bring with me... an open mind, bug spray, too many books, a mosquito net, an ability to laugh in the hardest times, bug spray, compassion, my journal, an overly analytical mind, bug spray, optimism, a camera, bug spray, hope, and bug spray. 

I am excited for... CHANGE, music, heat, food, a new perspective, humility, history, rainforests, motivation, beaches, color, inspiration, new friends, mosques, exploring the unknown, animals, foreign languages (45+), dancing, humidity, churches, swimming, selflessness, public transportation, GROWTH.

I have so much to learn.