August 11, 2010


I'm off to Accra, Ghana tomorrow - bright and early.

I will be traveling for 30 hours and walk off the plane into a new reality.

I leave behind... my loving parents, wise friends and acquaintances - and some not so wise friends and acquaintances ; ) and corporate America.

I leave behind the comforts of...  blending into the crowd, processed foods, a gigantic wardrobe, accessories, a lap top, solitude, punctuality, readily available healthcare, the familiar.

I will bring with me... an open mind, bug spray, too many books, a mosquito net, an ability to laugh in the hardest times, bug spray, compassion, my journal, an overly analytical mind, bug spray, optimism, a camera, bug spray, hope, and bug spray. 

I am excited for... CHANGE, music, heat, food, a new perspective, humility, history, rainforests, motivation, beaches, color, inspiration, new friends, mosques, exploring the unknown, animals, foreign languages (45+), dancing, humidity, churches, swimming, selflessness, public transportation, GROWTH.

I have so much to learn.


  1. Good luck, and take lots of pictures. We (and our huge wardrobes) miss you <3

  2. Have a great time my dear!
    Enjoy yourself.
    - Christina

  3. im gunna miss you, have fun! and dont forget to have fun :P
